Freelancer: KhMust
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Think of best idea for homeless people

I have proposed some ideas that have minimum requirements for initial investment and facilitate independent working of the people at your shelter. These ideas make use of sustainable living concepts and can be used as a community based initiative to get better results.

Participación en el concurso Nro.30 para                                                 Think of best idea for homeless people at a shelter to make at least $40 per day in a metropolitan city
Participación Nro. 30

Tablero de aclaración pública

  • MKoert
    Organizador del concurso
    • 4 años atrás

    Making paper bags seems interesting, but I don't see the money in it

    • 4 años atrás
    1. KhMust
      • 4 años atrás

      The idea was to find an outlet that has use for paper bags in or around your neighborhood and then provide a supply to these outlets. The size, material and nature of the bags can add to the output from this idea.

      • 4 años atrás