Freelancer: antlogist
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Variant 1

Hello! It is my WordPress theme. The web-site is the responsive layout. Files included: WP theme, XML, English instruction. Let me know if something needs changing. Sincerely yours, Anthony Podlesnyy (,,

Participación en el concurso Nro.6 para                                                 Design a Website Mock
Participación Nro. 6

Tablero de aclaración pública

  • einstro
    Organizador del concurso
    • 7 años atrás

    Dear Sir, thank you for showing the design sample and looking good. we need our services to be in icon/vector image inside any shape hexagon, round circle etc. Below that tittle of the service should be mentioned. Our services are below 1. Manpower Services 2. Outsourcing 3. Engineering & Technical 4. Technology 5. Training Services 6. Industrial Trading. these 6 should be in an icon/illustration type image inside any shape. please re work only that part and update the file for demo. many thanks

    • 7 años atrás