Should You Hire More Millennial Freelancers?

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Recently, there has been a lot of fuss made around the millennial generation regarding their thoughts and work ethic when compared to other age groups.

Should you hire more millennial freelancers? Well, of course, you should! You should hire more freelancers of any age as long as their skills and abilities are of use to you. You should hire freelancers of any age as long as they complement your business and what you are looking to achieve. So, therefore, ask the question, do you think millennials will complement your business and you as the employer?

Should You Hire More Millennial Freelancers? - Image 1

The Rise of the Millennials

Differences in generations have been discussed time and time again; from which Star Trek or X-Men generation is best, to the effects of post-war on the baby boomers and Generation X.

The reason this discussion has come up again is that the millennial generation (people born between 1982 and 2002) is completely different from any other generation. They are the very first to have grown up with personal computing and the Internet as a deeply ingrained and also integral part of their upbringing and everyday life.

Millennials are not just being able to access the Internet but the first generation to experience it in every aspect of their lives. Fluid video, instant pictures and now watching TV through the Internet is part of normal life where this has never happened before.

Related Article: How to Market Your Brand to Millennial Moms

How does their digital connectedness make any difference in comparing their work to other generations? In this generation, the wealth of human knowledge is available online, plus many tools now exist to instantly help solve many issues. These millennials are the first group of people to grow up with these tools at their fingertips. But again, how does this make a difference? Let's examine.

More Millennials in the Workforce

As time goes on, millennials will make up more and more of the workforce. It is estimated that 10,000 baby boomers are leaving the workforce daily and that in a decade, 75 percent of workplaces globally will be comprised of millennials. This is in a typical office environment. But if your business thrives online, hiring freelancers extends the lifespan of a working generation.

Social media, commented on numerous times already, is a staple tool for millennials. It is as much a part of their lives as eating and drinking, and wouldn't you know it, social media now exists not only as a communication platform but an entrenched part of an organization's success. has 2.15 million Facebook fans for example, and hopefully, should our millennial social media team warrant it, then this blog will be read by those fans shortly. I, on the other hand, I am Generation Y and I still shy away from being too social online. But if your business caters to millennials, then you know how social you should be.

Millennials should complement your existing workforce.

Aside from social media marketing, SEO, AdWords advertising, and growth hacking are just three expertise that could be second nature to millennials. Basically the moral of the story, growing an online business is something that can be easily understood and achieved by hiring freelancers who have grown up with life in the online world, and that means one generation only.

Related Article: Fast 50: Millennials Create the Future of Work

Your business will grow exponentially if you hire more millennial freelancers: a bold statement this Gen Y worker agrees with, but also one that can be argued as incorrect. Hence the numerous discussion on the subject. What do you think? Share your thoughts on the comment section below this post.

Meanwhile, if you’re looking to hire freelancers, go ahead and post that fantastic project of yours.

Publicado 10 noviembre, 2016

Joe Griston


Joe Griston is the Director of People & Talent at He has sourced, architected and scaled world-class teams for this tech company that is disrupting the planet. Joe has recently returned to London from Sydney to drive the growth of across Europe.

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