Why you need a social media marketing strategy
Effective social media marketing is crucial your brand. Learn how to hire a social media expert to bring you maximum results for minimum investment
Sales is a necessary part of any business – it’s the way you attract more customers, increase brand recognition and boost overall revenue. A Salesman is a well-versed professional in the art of sales and can be highly beneficial to any company or individual looking to improve their existing sales strategies and kick-start their success. Salesmen have the knowledge and ability to generate leads, make cold calls, market products and services, build relationships with potential customers, and ultimately increase a company's bottom line.
Here’s some projects that our expert Salesman made real:
We’ve seen firsthand how expertise of Salesman helps grow small businesses into something much bigger. Our Freelancer.com Salesmen can help your business gain traction or implement a new strategy that is tailored to your goals and objectives. Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking for help to expand their sales team, a small business needing someone with fresh ideas and an entrepreneurial spirit, or a larger business wanting an experienced professional to take on an administrative role in your sales department - Freelancer.com has the right person for you.
At Freelancer.com we bring together individuals with the necessary skills and experience to bring your company’s vision and goals to life. We invite you to post your project on Freelancer.com today and join this vibrant community of successful entrepreneurs and skilled professionals. We look forward to assisting you on your journey towards achieving success!
De 172,246 opiniones, los clientes califican nuestro Salesmen 4.9 de un total de 5 estrellas.Sales is a necessary part of any business – it’s the way you attract more customers, increase brand recognition and boost overall revenue. A Salesman is a well-versed professional in the art of sales and can be highly beneficial to any company or individual looking to improve their existing sales strategies and kick-start their success. Salesmen have the knowledge and ability to generate leads, make cold calls, market products and services, build relationships with potential customers, and ultimately increase a company's bottom line.
Here’s some projects that our expert Salesman made real:
We’ve seen firsthand how expertise of Salesman helps grow small businesses into something much bigger. Our Freelancer.com Salesmen can help your business gain traction or implement a new strategy that is tailored to your goals and objectives. Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking for help to expand their sales team, a small business needing someone with fresh ideas and an entrepreneurial spirit, or a larger business wanting an experienced professional to take on an administrative role in your sales department - Freelancer.com has the right person for you.
At Freelancer.com we bring together individuals with the necessary skills and experience to bring your company’s vision and goals to life. We invite you to post your project on Freelancer.com today and join this vibrant community of successful entrepreneurs and skilled professionals. We look forward to assisting you on your journey towards achieving success!
De 172,246 opiniones, los clientes califican nuestro Salesmen 4.9 de un total de 5 estrellas.Necesitamos una persona mujer/hombre100% remoto a tiempo completo, que sepa de ventas de autos. Con mucha experiencia. El trabajo es a tiempo completo y el salario es precio base 100 usd fijo, +100 USD por cada venta. Requisitos: - debe ser ingeniero, administrador de empresas u otros. - debe tener mucha experiencia en ventas de vehículos automotrices - debe saber y conocer características de vehículos - proactivo en ventas - editar contenido publicitario - bilingüe, hablar inglés y español - debe saber manejar plataformas de gestión de ventas - debe tener muy buena conexión a internet - buen equipo para trabajar trabajos a realizar: - editar contenido publicitario - publicar vehículos y atender al cliente - cerrar vent...
Estamos en busca de asistentes de chat para interactuar con suscriptores en una plataforma de contenido exclusivo. El trabajo consiste en responder mensajes, generar ventas y fidelizar clientes a través de conversaciones persuasivas. - No se requiere experiencia previa, ya que ofrecemos formación completa durante 2 semanas para que aprendas las mejores estrategias de venta y engagement. Responsabilidades: Chatear con suscriptores en una plataforma privada. Generar ventas a través de mensajes estratégicos y personalizados. Mantener la interacción con los clientes y fomentar su fidelización. Aplicar técnicas de persuasión y marketing conversacional. ⚡️ Requisitos: Nivel de inglés alto y conversacional. Habilidad para convers...
(SOLO PARA PERSONAS DE ARGENTINA, COLOMBIA o VENEZUELA - PREFERENTE CON EXPERIENCIA EN EL RUBRO de Terapias Alternativas y/o Revistas Digitales) Hola! Tenemos un Microemprendimiento Digital de Terapias Alternativas llamado "Revista Familia Holistica" desde hace 10 años. La revista difunde Notas, Entrevistas y Actividades de Terapeutas locales y regionales. Llegamos a pùblico local (Argentina) y regional a traves de emailing, redes sociales, Whatsapp y Linkedin, (no somos masivos ni somos una empresa.). * * * * * * * * * PROYECTO: Queremos contratar un Freelancer/o Agencia de Servicios para realizar una operatoria de Marketing y Ventas dirigida a conseguir SUSCRIPTORES PAGOS entre nuestros Suscriptores Gratuitos y Contactos en General. ? "Suscripciò...
Buscamos un copywriter con habilidades de asistente virtual que viva en España y tenga experiencia como setter, atención al cliente o similar. Su trabajo consistirá en dar soporte diario y activo por chat principalmente a nuestros alumnos entre las 9 y las 19 de la tarde, aprox. Inicialmente, mientras aprende trabajara durante unas horas y luego pasará a jornada completa. Además, entre sus funciones estarán la redacción de email para campañas, apoyo a creación de landing, page y otros. Desde Escuela de Libertad Cuántica, formamos y ayudamos terapéuticamente a personas que están pasando por momentos de transformación y crecimiento en su vida, por ello, queremos alguien que tenga cierta experiencia ...
Hola! Somos un Microemprendimiento Digital de Terapias Alternativas, llamado "Revista Familia Holistica" desde hace 10 años difundimos contenidos propios: -Notas, Entrevistas y tambien Actividades de Terapeutas locales y regionales. Nos encargamos tanto del contenido como tambien de la busqueda de Anunciantes. Llegamos a pùblico local y regional a traves de emailing, redes sociales, Whatsapp y Linkedin, (siempre como emprendimiento, no somos empresa ni masivos.). La revista desde 2015 se difunde y envia via Mailing y Redes Gratuitamente a cientos de personas, y se ha gestionado muy bien, no sin grandes ganancias, pero si autosostenidamente. *PROYECTO*: Contratar un Freelancer/o Agencia de Servicios para realizar una operatoria de Email-Marketing y Ventas que se ...
¿Qué buscamos? Experiencia comprobada: Historial de éxito en ventas, preferiblemente en el sector de marketing digital o servicios relacionados. Conocimiento de marketing digital: Familiaridad con SEO, SEM, redes sociales, email marketing y otras áreas relevantes. Habilidades de venta excepcionales: Capacidad para persuadir, negociar y cerrar ventas de manera efectiva. Excelentes habilidades de comunicación: Tanto verbal como escrita, para presentar propuestas y construir relaciones. Orientación a resultados: Mentalidad proactiva y enfocada en alcanzar y superar metas.
Descripción del Puesto: Estamos buscando un Marketer talentoso y motivado para unirse a nuestro equipo. El candidato ideal debe tener experiencia en el uso de Telegram y un sólido dominio del idioma inglés. Este puesto es ideal para aquellos que desean trabajar en un ambiente dinámico y en crecimiento. Requisitos: Experiencia previa en marketing digital. Dominio del idioma inglés, tanto escrito como oral. Computadora de quinta generación con 16 GB de RAM o más. Capacidad para trabajar de manera independiente y remota Ofrecemos: Salario de alrededor de $500 mensuales. Opción de trabajar full-time Un ambiente de trabajo colaborativo y flexible. Cómo Aplicar: Si cumples con los requisitos y est...
Sobre Nosotros: Somos una nueva empresa de desarrollo, dominios, hosting y servidores para empresas que buscan un buen servicio personalizado. No trabajamos con marketing digital, por si eres agencia y busca una colaboración mas amplia. Buscamos un setter/closer híbrido para llamadas salientes y venta en una zona concreta de España y expandir según vaya creciendo. Llamarás al cliente para ofertar nuestros servicios en todas nuestras áreas de negocio, por lo cual es importante tener conocimientos básicos en este mercado. Horario de trabajo El trabajo debe hacerse en horario España en horario 10h a 14h. Nosotros indicaremos como localizar las empresas y la centralita para llamadas. También el CRM donde deberás registr...
Si te apasiona y tienes muchos conocimientos de software y además eres un excelente vendedor, esta es una oportunidad para ti! No hay salario fijo, solo comisiones. Si te interesa, contáctanos.
Si te apasiona y tienes muchos conocimientos de software y además eres un excelente vendedor, esta es una oportunidad para ti! No hay salario fijo, solo comisiones. Si te interesa, contáctanos.
Ubicación: 100% Remoto Jornada: Tiempo completo / Media jornada (según disponibilidad) Sobre el puesto Buscamos un Asistente Ejecutivo de Operaciones y Marketing que actúe como una extensión del equipo directivo, gestionando tareas administrativas, operativas y de marketing. Necesitamos a alguien con mentalidad estratégica, que pueda investigar, resolver problemas y optimizar procesos sin necesidad de supervisión constante. Este puesto es completamente remoto, ideal para una persona organizada, proactiva y con ganas de involucrarse en distintas áreas del negocio. Responsabilidades principales Apoyo directo a la dirección en la gestión del día a día. Coordinación de tareas operativas y administrativas. In...
Somos una empresa de comercio electrónico (Anturio) que está en busca de dos personas: Guionista: responsable de crear tres guiones por producto: Descripción del producto Tutorial de uso Guion creativo para marketing Estos guiones se utilizarán en videos de marketing para productos en fase de prueba, con el objetivo de evaluar su rentabilidad a largo plazo. Los guiones serán entregados a nuestras modelos para la creación de contenido tipo UGC (User Generated Content) orientado a la venta directa. Editor/a de videos: encargado de producir tres videos por producto, basados en los guiones previamente elaborados. Las modelos seguirán directrices específicas para facilitar el trabajo de edición. Los videos se entregarán s...
Busco personas que hablen español! Hola! Mi nombre es David H. y soy CEO de una agencia especializada en el desarrollo, gestión y lanzamiento de infoproductos de alto valor. Nos enfocamos en ofrecer paquetes completos que incluyen creación, lanzamiento, gestión profesional, contenido viral orgánico y edición de video. Nuestro enfoque está dirigido a un grupo selecto de influencers educativos de gran impacto, asegurando resultados sólidos y escalables. Actualmente, buscamos un experto en marketing digital y lanzamientos de infoproductos con resultados comprobados. Queremos a alguien que se convierta en una pieza clave dentro de nuestro equipo y aporte su conocimiento para que pueda realizar estrategias de pre-lanzamiento para cu...
Estamos en la búsqueda de una persona con experiencia en Appointment Setter. ¿Tienes experiencia en agendar citas para empresas B2B o Programas de mentoria online? Si es así, te estamos buscando. Contamos con un programa de mentoria dirigida a Arquitectos que desean cerrar nuevos proyectos de construcción de forma mensual y asegurada por contrato. Buscamos una persona que se pueda encargar de lo siguiente: - Prospección orgánica en Grupos de Facebook y/o Linkedin. - Llamada de calificación - Agendar llamadas calificadas a nuestro equipo comercial. Te brindare los guiones que utilizamos para chatear por messenger o linkedin y agendar las llamadas de calificación. Te brindare el guion de la llamada de calificación que ten...
¿Te apasiona la educación y ayudar a jóvenes a alcanzar sus sueños universitarios? En OCF International, buscamos Asesoras Educativas para orientar a familias y estudiantes de Latinoamérica y EE.UU. en su camino hacia la universidad en España. ? ¿Qué harás? Contactar y asesorar a familias interesadas en nuestros programas de preparación universitaria. Explicar los beneficios y procesos de estudiar en España. Resolver dudas y acompañar a los estudiantes en su toma de decisión. Realizar seguimiento a los contactos interesados hasta el cierre de la venta. Realizar presentaciones en línea y reuniones con familias. ? ¿A quién buscamos? 2 Personas con don de gentes y habilidades com...
Necesito un vendedor que tenga experiencia en cierre de ventas por WhatsApp y estrategias, es un ecommerce y se te asignará un producto, te vuelves experto y vendes por el canal de WhatsApp, solo buscamos expertos en ventas, y el pago es por comisión USD$2 por pedido entregado y cerrado por ti. Somos Bestpok Chile, una de las tiendas online con mayor proyección de crecimiento de todo Chile, trabaja con nosotros y crezcamos juntos!
¡Estamos contratando! Buscamos Vendedor Remoto para unirse a nuestro equipo ¿Tienes habilidades en ventas en redes sociales y buscas una oportunidad para crecer en un ambiente 100% remoto? ¡Esta es tu oportunidad! Modalidad: Remota Horario: Tiempo completo Ubicación: Lo que ofrecemos: ? Trabajo 100% remoto desde cualquier lugar. ? Oportunidades de capacitación continua y desarrollo de carrera. ? Oportunidad de crecimiento profesional al cumplir con las metas establecidas. ? Bonificaciones por cumplimiento de metas. Requisitos: ✔ Conocimientos en ventas ✔ Mínimo 2 años de experiencia en Ventas. ✔ Disponibilidad de tiempo completo ✔ Actitud comprometida y orientada a cumplir resultados y metas. ✔ Motivación para aprender y crecer d...
¡Estamos contratando! Buscamos Vendedor Remoto para unirse a nuestro equipo ¿Tienes habilidades en ventas en redes sociales y buscas una oportunidad para crecer en un ambiente 100% remoto? ¡Esta es tu oportunidad! Modalidad: Remota Horario: Tiempo completo Ubicación: Lo que ofrecemos: ? Trabajo 100% remoto desde cualquier lugar. ? Oportunidades de capacitación continua y desarrollo de carrera. ? Oportunidad de crecimiento profesional al cumplir con las metas establecidas. ? Bonificaciones por cumplimiento de metas. Requisitos: ✔ Conocimientos en ventas ✔ Mínimo 2 años de experiencia en Ventas. ✔ Disponibilidad de tiempo completo ✔ Actitud comprometida y orientada a cumplir resultados y metas. ✔ Motivación par...
I'm seeking a seasoned Business Development Executive with a strong emphasis on Client Relationship Management within the Construction industry. This role primarily involves managing relationships with Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Key Responsibilities: - Cultivating and maintaining relationships with SMEs in the construction sector. - Understanding client needs and providing tailored solutions. - Driving business growth through effective client management strategies. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in Business Development, particularly in the construction industry. - Excellent relationship management skills. - Experience working with Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). - Strong understanding of the construction sector.
I'm looking for passionate and dynamic sales representatives to promote and sell our exciting tour packages. Key Responsibilities: - Generating leads and engaging with potential clients - Driving sales through excellent communication and persuasive skills Ideal Candidate: - Has a passion for travel - Possesses prior experience in sales, preferably within the travel industry - Able to connect with diverse target markets: families, young professionals, and retirees. Compensation: - Pay is commission-based - Opportunity to travel If you're motivated, travel-loving, and have a knack for sales, I would love to hear from you!
I'm in need of a seasoned dropshipping professional with a proven track record of successful stores, particularly in the general products sector. The main tasks will include: - Researching and sourcing suitable products for the Australian market. - Setting up and managing an Amazon Australia store. - Coordinating with Amazon warehouse for the store's initial setup. Key skills for this role include a deep understanding of branding, product sourcing and store management. The ultimate goal is to create a strong brand identity and scale it into a profitable venture. If you can deliver measurable results and have successful stores to showcase, we would love to hear from you.
I'm looking for an experienced live streamer on Instagram or tiktok live to promote my dog and cat food. The main aim of the session is to increase brand awareness. Key Responsibilities: - Host an engaging Instagram Live session - Promote my pet food brand - Interact with viewers to foster brand connection Ideal Skills: - Proven experience as an Instagram Live streamer - Great communication and engaging personality - Passion for pets is a plus - Prior experience in food or pet-related marketing preferred Please include your previous relevant work in your application.
I'm looking for an expert to create and setup an Amazon and eBay account for me with the purpose of selling a wide range of animal products, including pet food, accessories, and grooming products. The account should be optimized for selling products for all types of pets. Key tasks include: - Creating an Amazon and eBay account - Setting up the account for selling animal products - Optimizing the account for a wide range of pet products Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient with Amazon and eBay - Experience in setting up seller accounts - Knowledge and experience in selling pet products is a plus - Excellent understanding of e-commerce best practices
As a freelance Business Development Partner at Seekify Global, your primary focus will be on the Technology sector, specifically in Software Development and IT Consultancy. Your role will involve leveraging your client acquisition skills and professional network to bring in new clients predominantly from Asia. Key Responsibilities: - Identifying and securing new clients in the Technology sector, particularly for Software Development and IT Consultancy services. - Utilizing your professional network and client acquisition skills to generate leads and close deals. What We Offer: - 100% remote work, allowing you to operate from anywhere. - An unlimited earning potential with a 2% commission on total billing for every client you bring in. - The flexibility to work at your own pace, with no ...
I'm seeking a seasoned sales professional with experience in SaaS to help close deals for my software-focused product designed for small businesses. Key Responsibilities: - Target small businesses in the software industry - Promote and sell an ERP-based SaaS product Ideal Skills: - Proven track record in SaaS sales - Strong understanding of ERP systems - Excellent communication and persuasion skills Your role will be pivotal in driving our sales growth and expanding our market reach. Experience with selling to small businesses will be a significant advantage.
I'm in need of a professional who can help me generate leads in the residential real estate sector, specifically targeting real estate investors. Key Responsibilities: - Creating and promoting listings of residential properties - Implementing effective lead generation strategies The ideal candidate will have: - Prior experience in real estate marketing - A proven track record of lead generation - Excellent understanding of the target audience: real estate investors.
We are a fast-growing company providing accounting and bookkeeping services to small businesses, startups, and entrepreneurs. We are looking to hire a skilled cold calling freelancer who can help us generate leads and acquire new clients by reaching out to businesses in need of our services. The freelancer will be responsible for making outbound calls to potential clients, introducing our services, and scheduling consultations or setting up demos. The primary goal of this project is to convert cold leads into qualified prospects and help us grow our client base. Key Responsibilities: Outbound Cold Calling: Make cold calls to potential clients (small business owners, startups, entrepreneurs, etc.) who may require bookkeeping and accounting services. Follow a provided call script, but adju...
PLEASE READ COMPLETELY PLEASE READ COMPLETELY PLEASE READ COMPLETELY ? JOB OPPORTUNITY: B2B Lead Generation & Email List Scraper for AI SaaS Expansion ? PLEASE READ COMPLETELY BEFORE APPLYING We are seeking an experienced B2B Lead Generation Specialist to help us build a high-quality, verified email list of decision-makers in key industries for outreach. Our AI-powered SaaS product is designed to automate customer interactions and streamline business operations, and we are expanding into global markets. This role has the potential to be long-term if the leads provided are high quality and generate real business opportunities. ? Job Overview Your primary responsibility will be to scrape, verify, and deliver accurate B2B email lists targeting businesses that need AI-driven automa...
I'm in need of a seasoned digital marketer to help promote my weight loss product through search engine ads. The main goal of this campaign is to generate product sales, so your expertise in crafting compelling text ads that convert is crucial. Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in generating sales through search engine ads - Expertise in creating effective text ads - Strong understanding of the weight loss industry is a plus - Excellent analytical skills to track and optimize campaign performance. Your role will involve creating and managing a series of text-based search engine ads geared towards driving product sales. I look forward to your proposals.
I'm in search of passionate and dedicated salesmen/women who can drive sales for my daytrading mentorship programme focused on beginner traders. There's a high commission rate of 50% per sale, making this a lucrative opportunity for the right candidates. Key Responsibilities: - Promote and sell the mentorship programme through various channels including online marketing, phone sales, and in-person events. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong communication skills are a must. - Experience in sales is preferred. - Knowledge in day trading would be a plus but not necessary as long as you are willing to learn. This role is perfect for those who are confident, outgoing, and have a passion for helping others learn about day trading.
I'm seeking a seasoned professional to boost marketing and sales for my dropshipping Shopify store. Currently, I have no marketing channels in place, so I need guidance setting up new ones and optimizing them for maximum efficiency. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in dropshipping sales and marketing - Proficiency in setting up and optimizing marketing channels - Strong knowledge of social media ads, email marketing, SEO and content marketing
I'm seeking an expert in international trade and import/export business who can help me find wholesalers in Europe interested in sourcing high-quality herbs and spices from my Egyptian company. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize online directories to identify potential importers. - Filter for wholesalers based in Europe. - Reach out and establish connections with identified wholesalers. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in sourcing and import/export. - Excellent communication and networking skills. - Proficient in using online directories for business sourcing. I aim to grow my business globally and believe that Europe, with its diverse culinary landscape, is a prime target. Your role will be crucial in connecting me with the right partners.
I am looking for a professional who can assist in conducting meetings aimed at client acquisition. The meetings will be booked and for every meeting, you will receive $30. If you dedicate approximately 2 hours, you could potentially earn up to $90.
I'm currently seeking partners to assist with marketing and sales for my eBay store, which specializes in clothing and accessories. It is a long-term partnership and you get paid comission on weekly basis from all the sales per week from your personal account. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in eBay store management - Expertise in marketing and sales - Knowledge of the clothing and accessories market - Strong communication skills - Ability to work collaboratively - Familiarity with eBay's policies and procedures Please note, while I have not specified certain marketing channels, versatility and adaptability in using a range of strategies will be beneficial.
*IMPORTANT: YOU NEED TO HAVE SUCCESSFUL STORES ALREADY OR PROOF OF RESULTS HELPING OTHERS* About two years ago, I bought a women’s weights dropshipping store that had already made sales under the previous owner. I made some sales myself too, but I stopped working on it after a few months. Now, I want to relaunch it as something bigger and better—not just another dropshipping store, but a hybrid model that includes my own branded products alongside dropshipping items. I’m looking for someone who knows what they’re doing—someone who’s already built successful stores, understands branding, and can deliver measurable results. This isn’t just about tweaking a store; I want to create a strong brand identity and scale it into a profitable business. --...
Are you a detail-oriented and resourceful Appointment Setter with a scientific (engineering, physics, photonics) background? Your task will be to identify key decision-makers at data center companies across Europe. Your role will involve: - researching organizations that use servers in large volumes - conducting research - cold-calling and emailing to set up appointments for our SDR This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to the early stages of product development by helping us secure beta testers/customers. Key Responsibilities: 1. Identify and research European companies that use servers in large volumes. 2. Conduct market research to uncover relevant contacts (e.g., hardware buyers, architects, etc, etc). 3. Initiate outreach via cold calls/emails to open communication channel...
I'm on the lookout for a proficient telemarketing company specializing in B2B, specifically within the technology industry. The primary objective of this campaign is lead generation and convertion. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in telemarketing, particularly in B2B tech lead generation. - A proven track record of generating quality leads. - Excellent communication and persuasive skills. - Ability to understand and convey technical concepts. - Have worked in the Australian market Please provide your proposal if you believe you can help me achieve my goals.
Bên mình cần tuyển cộng tác viên bán hàng và cộng tác viên làm marketting. Công việc: + Bán hàng là thiết bị điện cho các chuỗi và cửa hàng thức ăn nhanh. + Giới thiệu sản phẩm Yêu cầu: + Sống tại TP HCM hoặc Hà Nội + Ưu tiên sinh viên, các bạn đang đi học muốn đi làm thêm. + Năng động, nói chuyện lưu loát. Lương thưởng: + Lương thỏa thuận + Thưởng theo doanh thu. Liên hệ: Công ty tại Quận Tân Bình , TP HCM Zalo, phone: 0903 189 887
Caut un medium/high ticker closer, cu experiență vastă în vânzări, pentru o platformă educațională. Această platformă este concepută pentru a ajuta elevii să obțină punctajele dorite la examenul de Bacalaureat. Responsabilități principale: -Închiderea vânzărilor prin apeluri pe zoom/google meet -Comunicarea persuasivă a valorii platformei noastre către clienții potențiali -Urmărirea lead-urilor pentru a asigura conversia Abilități și experiență ideale: -Experiență vastă în vânzări -Abilități puternice de persuasiune -Abilitatea de a inchide vanzarile in timpul apelurilor Capacitatea ta de a comunica eficient și de a închide vânzările va fi esențială pentru succesul nostru. Pentru mai multe detalii, te rog să-mi trimiți un mesaj.
I'm seeking assistance in identifying and connecting with importers in Europe for my venture exporting raw herbs and spices from Egypt. The herbs and spices I am dealing with include: - Cumin, coriander, and fenugreek - Basil, mint, and parsley Your primary task will be to find potential importers and facilitate the connection. Ideal candidates for this project would be those with experience in international trade, particularly in the food sector, and a robust network of contacts in Europe. A deep understanding of the spices market in Europe would be highly beneficial.
I run a website selling credit cards and I'm in need of a proficient Facebook and Instagram ad manager. The primary goal of the campaign will be lead generation targeting new customers exclusively. Key Responsibilities: - Create and manage ads on both Facebook and Instagram. - Focus on generating leads for my website. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience as a social media ad manager. - Strong knowledge of Facebook and Instagram ad platforms. - Excellent understanding of lead generation strategies. - Ability to target and reach new customers effectively.
NOTE: This position is purely on a commission basis. PLEASE DON'T APPLY IF THIS DOESN'T WORK FOR YOU. This is NOT an SEO opportunity. We are in need of a dedicated IT Services Sales Consultant to sell our software development services on a commission basis. The consultant will primarily be promoting our: - Custom Software Development - Mobile App Development - Web Application Development - Salesforce Consulting - AI/ML Services - Data Analysis All are targeted toward international markets (US, Europe, Gulf, LATAM ). The ideal candidate should have a strong background in IT sales, particularly in software development services. Experience dealing with small businesses is a plus. You should possess excellent communication skills, a proactive approach to sales, and the ability to...
I am seeking an experienced cold calling / appointment setter professional to help my Technology business. The primary purpose of these calls will be to set appointments with potential clients, specifically targeting small businesses. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in cold calling and appointment setting, preferably in the technology sector. - Excellent communication and persuasive skills. - Experience working with small businesses is a plus. - Ability to handle rejection and maintain a positive attitude.
I'm seeking someone to help me visit local retail shops and hostels to promote and potentially sell Toor Dal. - Target Audience: The primary targets for this project are both retail shops and hostels. - Locations: I have a specific list of locations that I want to cover. - Product Presentation: The product will be presented to potential buyers using product samples. Ideal candidates for this project should have excellent communication skills, experience in sales or marketing, and ideally, a background in retail or food products. A friendly and approachable demeanor is crucial, as is the ability to engage shop owners and hostel managers.
I'm looking for a professional to help set up a Filmfreeway mailing list. The primary purpose of this list will be for promotions and marketing, specifically to promote new film submissions. Key Details: - The content of the emails will primarily focus on new film submissions, so being able to find a list of filmmakers is essential. - The target audience for these emails will be filmmakers. Therefore, the freelancer should have an understanding of how to effectively reach them. - The goal is to increase visibility of our festival for new film submissions and increase submission rates. Ideal Skills: - Emai marketing - Experience with Filmfreeway - Audience targeting and segmentation
I'm in need of 100 high-quality leads for a real estate project in Ludhiana, Punjab, and New Chandigarh. These leads must be individuals who have a genuine interest in investing in commercial properties within these regions, with a budget ranging from ₹2 crore to ₹8 crore. Lead Criteria: - Investment Budget: ₹2 crore to ₹8 crore - Property Type: Primarily commercial projects, with some consideration for residential properties - Verification: All leads must have their mobile numbers verified by Truecaller and provide documented evidence showing their genuine interest in real estate investment. This could include inquiries about properties, records of past investments, or proof of participation in real estate events. Required Information for Each Lead: - Full Name - Profession - Net ...
I'm in search of talented outreach professionals capable of selling my product on a commission basis. This role will involve a variety of outreach methods including Email, Social Media, and Cold Calling. Key Responsibilities: - Implementing various outreach methods to reach potential customers. - Selling my product effectively to maximise commissions. Skills & Experience Required: - Proven experience in sales and product promotion. - Proficiency in Email outreach, Social Media engagement, and Cold Calling. - Strong communication and persuasion skills. - Familiarity with using Discord, Twitter, and Instagram for sales outreach. Please note that I do not have an existing email list, so creativity and resourcefulness in generating leads will be paramount.
*FIRST READ THEN BID* *Website developers and SEO providers STAY AWAY* See these are the details #1—> PRODUCT 1. All-in-one marketing platform. 2. One funnel away challenge ( course to bring sales online) and Online Marketing tools ( like email marketing and funnels) for 3 months. is of 100 dollars 4. Support from the community and coaches. #-> TO LET YOU KNOW 1. There is already a social media account of the company but I want new unofficial accounts to be created. #2—> PAYMENT 1. ILL pay you ₹30,000 INR for the first project for building the social media accounts and managing them for 3 months. 2. I'll pay you ₹ 20,000 INR more for 51 sales. 3. If you bring 51 sales within three months, then you'll build trust, and I will pay you more for the ne...
I'm looking for a dedicated professional to handle my email customer support. The primary focus will be general customer service inquiries. Key Responsibilities: - Responding to customer emails in a timely and professional manner - Addressing general customer service inquiries - Maintaining a positive, empathetic, and professional attitude towards customers at all times Ideal Skills: - Excellent written English skills - Strong customer service orientation - Ability to manage time effectively and handle stressful situations calmly
Coffee Salesperson (Commission-Based) – Freelance Opportunity (BANGALORE-INDIA) We are looking for a freelance coffee salesperson who is passionate about coffee and has experience in sales. This is a commission-based role, meaning your earnings will be directly tied to the number of sales you generate. Responsibilities: *Identify and reach out to potential customers, including cafes, restaurants, offices, and individuals. *Promote and sell our coffee products, highlighting their quality and unique features. *Build and maintain strong relationships with customers. *Generate leads through online and offline channels. *Provide excellent customer service and answer any coffee-related questions. Requirements: *Knowledge of coffee (brewing methods, flavors, types of beans, e...
Effective social media marketing is crucial your brand. Learn how to hire a social media expert to bring you maximum results for minimum investment
A guide to hiring and working with a freelance Facebook Marketing Specialist to boost your business online.
Learn how to find and work with a freelance Market Analyst to get valuable market insights.