Where Do I Store Data?

  • Estado: Closed
  • Premio: ₹1000
  • Propuestas recibidas: 8
  • Ganador: nurislamimanudin

Resumen del concurso

I want to display my data like attached screen.
The ultimate goal is to display Events (which is in bottom part of the image).
There are Biography, Philosophy, Parameters section, which is for filter.
There will be more than 1 Biography data for 1 event.
There will be more than 1 Philosophy data for 1 event.
There will be more than 1 Parameters data for 1 event.

So, I want to decide where do we store this data ?
In text file ?
In No SQL database ?
In My SQL database ?
In Oracle ?
Anything else ?
You need to give best option with REASON.

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Comentarios del empleador

“He understood exactly what I wanted. Many other entries I found without understanding my requirement. Though there were some other entries nearer to what I wanted, but this entry was perfect!”

Imagen del perfil omviryash, India.

Tablero de aclaración pública

  • WebInfoSolutions
    • 9 años atrás


    • 9 años atrás
  • sixdustslab
    • 9 años atrás

    Hello there, a ten pounds note wouldn't be efficient for the respect of paid professional suggestions on this topic. However, for the respect to your account logo, I would recommend you to either #increaseprize here to get paid options. Alternatively, you could just google "web builder with sql" for a rough idea. Regards

    • 9 años atrás
    1. omviryash
      Organizador del concurso
      • 9 años atrás

      I want to decide where do we store this data ?
      In text file ?
      In No SQL database ?
      In My SQL database ?
      In Oracle ?
      Anything else ?
      You need to give best option with REASON.

      • 9 años atrás
  • WebInfoSolutions
    • 9 años atrás


    • 9 años atrás
    1. omviryash
      Organizador del concurso
      • 9 años atrás

      Why you want to increase price? This contest is just for suggestion !

      • 9 años atrás

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