Freelancer: imeshadilshani03
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Newco Logo & Package Design

Dear sir,I hope you like. This is my entries for the project, Very clean, professional, 100% original and eye-catching. Any changes in colors or fonts or anything is available for you, just tell me what is in your mind, Note that you will have a lifetime guarantee for the logo, you can ask me for changes in the future.I'm waiting for your valuable rating. Please leave a feedback.Any feedback will be highly appreciated. Thank You.

Participación en el concurso Nro.195 para                                                 Newco Logo & Package Design
Participación Nro. 195

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  • AtticusWolf
    Organizador del concurso
    • 3 años atrás

    Thank you Imesha. Interesting take on the logo. Quite cute. :)

    • 3 años atrás
    1. imeshadilshani03
      • 3 años atrás

      Thank you for rating.

      • 3 años atrás
    2. imeshadilshani03
      • 3 años atrás

      any changes is available for you.

      • 3 años atrás