Freelancer: ambies
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Wait for your feedback:) I believe that this protest will change the opinion of at least 1% of people.

Participación en el concurso Nro.15 para                                                 Create an infographic using the supplied text
Participación Nro. 15

Tablero de aclaración pública

  • gregoryagu
    Organizador del concurso
    • 9 años atrás

    Thank you, this is very nice. A few suggestions: 1. Use an image of a crack pipe, not a needle. 2. The Red lines by the dollar sign and the house - I don't understand what those means. Try a red circle with a line which means "NO" or "Stop".3. The line "When the chips are down, they will not be there to help you out" is out of sequence. It comes after the next paragraph. 4. In the last read area, put each sentence on it's own line. 5. In the last red area, change the color to something uplifting, Red is danger signal.

    • 9 años atrás